Gao, C., and Landau, W. (2024) “{mirai} and {crew}: next-generation async to supercharge {promises}, Plumber, Shiny, and {targets}”, Posit Conference,
Landau, W., and Man, A., and Kemmer, P., and Chatterjee, S., and Bian, F., and Zhao, H., and Zhao, Z. (2022) “Bayesian methods for placebo borrowing in master protocols.” Bayesian Biostatistics 2022 Conference,
Landau, W. (2021) “Reproducible computation at scale in R with targets”, UK National Health Service R Community Conference 2021, half-day short course,
Landau, W. (2020) “Reproducible computation at scale with targets”, New York Open Statistical Programming Meetup,
Landau, W. (2019) “Machine learning workflow management with drake”, invited 4-hour workshop, R/Pharma Conference.
Landau, W. (2019) “Reproducible Computation at Scale in R”, Harverd DataFest.
Landau, W. (2018) “The drake R package: reproducible data analysis at scale”, R/Pharma Conference.
Landau, W., and Niemi, J. (2016), “A Fully Bayesian Strategy for High-Dimensional Hierarchical Modeling Using Massively Parallel Computing”. Joint Statistical Meetings, Section on Statistical Computing, Section on Statistical Graphics, Statistical Computing and Graphics Student Awards — Topic Contributed Papers.
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