show = TRUE
and stderr = "2>&1"
in the callr
process that compiles models.compile
argument to stan_package_model()
(#26, @stemangiola).CmdStanR
is not installed (#20, @xinxinc476).instantiate
is a good fit for centralized multi-user R environments (c.f.
for both CmdStan in instantiate
and Stan model compilation in packages (#1, #9, #12).src/stan/
instead of inst/stan/
(#12). inst/stan/
should still work for the next few versions, but it is now deprecated. When a modeling package is installed, its install.libs.R
moves src/stan/
to bin/stan/
and then compiles models inside bin/stan/
itself to help the hard-coded paths in CmdStan work as expected in “internal” installation.