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crew is simple to use inside Shiny apps. Not only does crew bring parallel computing to a single app session, it elastically auto-scales worker processes to reduce the resource burden on other concurrent user sessions. And because of the centralized controller interface, there is no need to manually loop through individual tasks, which is convenient for workloads with thousands of tasks.

Example: generative art

The simple example below has three interface elements: an action button, a plot output, and a text output. When you click the action button, a new 5-second task pushes to the crew controller. The action button can submit new tasks even when existing tasks are running in the background. The plot output shows the random visualization returned from latest task.

The text output continuously refreshes to show the current time and number of tasks in progress. Watch the short video linked below to see the app in action. You will see the time tick away even as tasks run in the background. In other words, the tasks run asynchronously and do not block the app session.


The example app uses extended tasks, which are only available in Shiny or above. If your installed version of Shiny is too low, you can upgrade to the development version with:



To begin, the app script loads Shiny.

The run_task() function waits 5 seconds and then generates a random aRtsy::canvas_squares() plot.

run_task <- function() {
  aRtsy::canvas_squares(colors = aRtsy::colorPalette("random-palette"))

The user interface shows the three parts explained previously, along with HTML/CSS formatting.

ui <- fluidPage(
  tags$style("#task{border:3px solid black}"),
  actionButton("task", "Submit a task (5 seconds)"),

The server sets up a local process controller. The controller has 4 workers, and each worker automatically shuts down if 10 seconds pass without any task assignments. The onStop() statement says to terminate the controller when the app session terminates.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  controller <- crew::crew_controller_local(workers = 4, seconds_idle = 10)
  onStop(function() controller$terminate())

The task object below is a Shiny extended task which accepts a promise object from the controller. The crew promise resolves when a task completes, and the ExtendedTask object efficiently manages a queue of such promises.1 2

  task <- ExtendedTask$new(function() controller$promise(mode = "one"))

The “Submit a task (5 seconds)” button pushes a new task to the controller and enqueues a new promise to asynchronously handle the result.

  observeEvent(input$task, {
    controller$push(command = run_task(), data = list(run_task = run_task))

Because of the Shiny extended task and the crew promise, the plot output automatically refreshes almost immediately after the task completes.

  output$result <- renderPlot(task$result()$result[[1L]])

The text status periodically refreshes to show the current time and the number of tasks in progress. When you run the app, you will see the time tick away even as tasks and promises operate in the background.

  output$status <- renderText({
    invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
    time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")
    paste("Time:", time, "|", "Running tasks:", controller$unresolved())

Finally, shinyApp() runs the app with the UI and server defined above.

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


See below for the complete app.R file.


run_task <- function() {
  aRtsy::canvas_squares(colors = aRtsy::colorPalette("random-palette"))

ui <- fluidPage(
  tags$style("#task{border:3px solid black}"),
  actionButton("task", "Submit a task (5 seconds)"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # crew controller
  controller <- crew::crew_controller_local(workers = 4, seconds_idle = 10)
  onStop(function() controller$terminate())

  # extended task to get completed results from the controller
  task <- ExtendedTask$new(function() controller$promise(mode = "one"))
  # button to submit a crew task
  observeEvent(input$task, {
    controller$push(command = run_task(), data = list(run_task = run_task))
  # task result
  output$result <- renderPlot(task$result()$result[[1L]])
  # time and task status
  output$status <- renderText({
    invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
    time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")
    paste("Time:", time, "|", "Running tasks:", controller$unresolved())

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Example: coin flips

The example app below demonstrates a high-throughput scenario where there may be too many individual tasks to efficiently manage each one individually. The app has an action button and two text outputs. When you click the action button, the app submits a batch of 20 tasks (simulated coin flips) to the crew controller. The action button can submit new tasks even when existing tasks are running in the background. The text outputs refresh to show the current time, the number of upcoming coin flips, and running totals for heads, tails, and errors.


We first load Shiny.

Our task is a simulated coin flip: wait a random number of seconds, then return a random TRUE/FALSE value. After many flips, the user may deduce that the coin is unfair.

flip_coin <- function() {
  Sys.sleep(runif(n = 1, min = 0.25, max = 2.5))
  as.logical(rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = 0.4))

The UI invites the user to simulate multiple coin flips and try to figure out if the coin is fair.

ui <- fluidPage(
  div("Is the coin fair?"),
  actionButton("task", "Flip 20 coins"),

In the server, we start by creating a crew controller which will simulate coin flips in parallel across 4 workers.

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  controller <- crew::crew_controller_local(workers = 4, seconds_idle = 10)
  onStop(function() controller$terminate())

We keep running totals of heads, tails, and task errors in a list of reactive values.

  flips <- reactiveValues(heads = 0, tails = 0, errors = 0)

We create a button to submit a batch of 20 coin flips. Each coin flip is a separate crew task.

  observeEvent(input$task, {
      command = flip_coin(),
      iterate = list(index = seq_len(20)),
      data = list(flip_coin = flip_coin)

A text output refreshes every second to show the current time and the number of coin flips submitted but not yet completed.

  output$status <- renderText({
    invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
    time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")
    sprintf("%s Flipping %s coins.", time, controller$unresolved())

Another text output automatically refreshes to show the total number of heads, tails, and errors from completed coin flips.

  output$outcomes <- renderText({
    pattern <- "%s heads %s tails %s errors"
    sprintf(pattern, flips$heads, flips$tails, flips$errors)

We collect new coin flip results every second and update the totals in the reactive values list.

    invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
    results <- controller$collect()
    new_flips <- as.logical(results$result)
    errors <- na.omit(as.character(results$error))
    flips$heads <- flips$heads + sum(new_flips)
    flips$tails <- flips$tails + sum(!new_flips)
    flips$errors <- flips$errors + length(errors)

Lastly, we run the app.

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


See below for the complete app.R file.


flip_coin <- function() {
  Sys.sleep(runif(n = 1, min = 0.25, max = 2.5))
  as.logical(rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = 0.4))

ui <- fluidPage(
  div("Is the coin fair?"),
  actionButton("task", "Flip 20 coins"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # crew controller
  controller <- crew::crew_controller_local(workers = 4, seconds_idle = 10)
  onStop(function() controller$terminate())
  # Keep running totals of heads, tails, and task errors.
  flips <- reactiveValues(heads = 0, tails = 0, errors = 0)
  # Button to submit a batch of coin flips.
  observeEvent(input$task, {
      command = flip_coin(),
      iterate = list(index = seq_len(20)),
      data = list(flip_coin = flip_coin)
  # Print time and task status.
  output$status <- renderText({
    invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
    time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")
    sprintf("%s Flipping %s coins.", time, controller$unresolved())
  # Print number of heads and tails.
  output$outcomes <- renderText({
    pattern <- "%s heads %s tails %s errors"
    sprintf(pattern, flips$heads, flips$tails, flips$errors)
  # Collect coin flip results.
    invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
    results <- controller$collect()
    new_flips <- as.logical(results$result)
    errors <- na.omit(as.character(results$error))
    flips$heads <- flips$heads + sum(new_flips)
    flips$tails <- flips$tails + sum(!new_flips)
    flips$errors <- flips$errors + length(errors)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Modified example: coin flips with extended tasks

A self-renewing Shiny extended task can make the coin flip app more responsive. However, there may be a performance cost due to post-processing each task individually (as opposed to processing in bulk using controller$collect()). These are tradeoffs which may lead to different optimal decisions on a case-by-case basis. Please choose the approach that best fits your own app.

To make the app respond immediately to each completed coin flip, first define an extended task that re-invokes itself whenever a task completes.

task <- ExtendedTask$new(function() controller$promise(mode = "one"))
observe(if (task$status() != "running") task$invoke())

Next, use task$status() to invalidate the text status as soon as a task completes.

output$status <- renderText({
  invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
  task$status() # Invalidates the reactive when the task completes.
  time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")
  sprintf("%s Flipping %s coins.", time, controller$unresolved())

Finally, trust task$result() to invalidate the reactive expression that collects results.

  new_flip <- task$result()$result[[1]]
  flips$heads <- flips$heads + sum(new_flip)
  flips$tails <- flips$tails + sum(!new_flip)

The full app code is below:


flip_coin <- function() {
  Sys.sleep(runif(n = 1, min = 0.25, max = 2.5))
  as.logical(rbinom(n = 1, size = 1, prob = 0.4))

ui <- fluidPage(
  div("Is the coin fair?"),
  actionButton("task", "Flip 20 coins"),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # crew controller
  controller <- crew::crew_controller_local(workers = 4, seconds_idle = 10)
  onStop(function() controller$terminate())
  # Keep running totals of heads, tails, and task errors.
  flips <- reactiveValues(heads = 0, tails = 0, errors = 0)
  # Create a self-renewing extended task that collects individual
  # results and invalidates reactive expressions on each one.
  # Also collects errors.
  task <- ExtendedTask$new(function() controller$promise(mode = "one"))
  observe(if (task$status() != "running") task$invoke())
  # Button to submit a batch of coin flips.
  observeEvent(input$task, {
      command = flip_coin(),
      iterate = list(index = seq_len(20)),
      data = list(flip_coin = flip_coin)
  # Print time and task status.
  output$status <- renderText({
    invalidateLater(millis = 1000)
    time <- format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")
    sprintf("%s Flipping %s coins.", time, controller$unresolved())
  # Print number of heads and tails.
  output$outcomes <- renderText({
    pattern <- "%s heads %s tails"
    sprintf(pattern, flips$heads, flips$tails)
  # Collect coin flip results.
    new_flip <- task$result()$result[[1]]
    flips$heads <- flips$heads + sum(new_flip)
    flips$tails <- flips$tails + sum(!new_flip)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)