Introduction to the targets R package

Will Landau

Demanding computation in R

  • Bayesian data analysis: JAGS, Stan, NIMBLE, greta
  • Deep learning: keras, tensorflow, torch
  • Machine learning: tidymodels
  • PK/PD: nlmixr, mrgsolve
  • Clinical trial simulation: rpact, Mediana
  • Statistical genomics
  • Social network analysis
  • Permutation tests
  • Database queries: DBI
  • Big data ETL

Typical notebook-based project

Messy reality: managing data

Messy reality: managing change

Pipeline tools

  • Orchestrate moving parts.
  • Scale the computation.
  • Manage output data.


  • Designed for R.
  • Encourages good programming habits.
  • Automatic dependency detection.
  • Behind-the-scenes data management.
  • Distributed computing.


Get started

  1. Write functions.
    • Produce datasets, analyze datasets, and summarize analyses.
    • Return clean exportable R objects (can be saved in one R process and read in another).
    • Minimize side effects.
    • R scripts in an R/ folder of the project.
  2. Call use_targets() to generate code files for targets.
  3. Edit _targets.R by hand to define the pipeline.
    • Start small first if your full project is large or computationally demanding.
  4. Use tar_manifest() and tar_visnetwork() to inspect the pipeline.
  5. Use tar_make() to run the pipeline.
  6. Inspect the results with tar_read() or tar_load(). 7 Scale up the pipeline if you started small.

R functions

# R/functions.R file:
get_data <- function(file) {
  read_csv(file, col_types = cols()) %>%

fit_model <- function(data) {
  lm(Ozone ~ Temp, data) %>%

plot_model <- function(model, data) {
  ggplot(data) +
    geom_point(aes(x = Temp, y = Ozone)) +
    geom_abline(intercept = model[1], slope = model[2]) +


  • Files before use_targets():
├── R
│   └── functions.R

  • Files after use_targets():
├── R
│   └── functions.R
├── _targets.R
├── ... # Other output helper files may depend on your system.

_targets.R default content (1/2)

# Load packages required to define the pipeline:
# library(tarchetypes) # Load other packages as needed. # nolint

# Set target options:
  packages = c("tibble"), # packages that your targets need to run
  format = "rds" # default storage format
  # Set other options as needed.

# tar_make_clustermq() configuration (okay to leave alone):
options(clustermq.scheduler = "multicore")

# tar_make_future() configuration (okay to leave alone):

_targets.R default content (2/2)

# Run the R scripts in the R/ folder with your custom functions:
# source("other_functions.R") # Source other scripts as needed.

# Replace the target list below with your own:
    name = data,
    command = tibble(x = rnorm(100), y = rnorm(100))
#   format = "feather" # efficient storage of large data frames
    name = model,
    command = coefficients(lm(y ~ x, data = data))

Modify _targets.R by hand.

# _targets.R file, written by use_targets() and then modified:
tar_option_set(packages = c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "readr"))
options(clustermq.scheduler = "multicore")
  tar_target(name = file, command = "data.csv", format = "file"),
  tar_target(name = data, command = get_data(file)),
  tar_target(name = model, command = fit_model(data)),
  tar_target(name = plot, command = plot_model(model, data))


#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   name  command                  
#>   <chr> <chr>                    
#> 1 file  "\"data.csv\""           
#> 2 data  "get_data(file)"         
#> 3 model "fit_model(data)"        
#> 4 plot  "plot_model(model, data)"

Dependency graph

  • tar_mermaid() (below), tar_visnetwork(), or tar_glimpse().

graph LR
  subgraph legend
    x0a52b03877696646([""Outdated""]):::outdated --- xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none
    xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none --- xf0bce276fe2b9d3e>""Function""]:::none
  subgraph Graph
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::outdated
    xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::outdated --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::outdated
    x619ade380bedf7c2>"plot_model"]:::outdated --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::outdated
    x6d51284275156668(["file"]):::outdated --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated
    xd69ee82cddb4d6bb>"get_data"]:::outdated --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::outdated
    x9c2a6d6bf64731cc>"fit_model"]:::outdated --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::outdated
  classDef outdated stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#78B7C5;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;
  linkStyle 0 stroke-width:0px;
  linkStyle 1 stroke-width:0px;

Run the pipeline

#> • start target file
#> • built target file
#> • start target data
#> • built target data
#> • start target model
#> • built target model
#> • start target plot
#> • built target plot
#> • end pipeline: 1.331 seconds

Data store

├── _targets
│   ├── meta
│   │   ├── meta
│   │   ├── process
│   │   └── progress
│   ├── objects
│   │   ├── data
│   │   ├── model
│   │   └── plot
│   └── user

Everything is up to date.

#> character(0)

#> ✔ skip target file
#> ✔ skip target data
#> ✔ skip target model
#> ✔ skip target plot
#> ✔ skip pipeline: 0.077 seconds

graph LR
  subgraph legend
    x7420bd9270f8d27d([""Up to date""]):::uptodate --- xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none
    xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none --- xf0bce276fe2b9d3e>""Function""]:::none
  subgraph Graph
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::uptodate
    xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::uptodate
    x619ade380bedf7c2>"plot_model"]:::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::uptodate
    x6d51284275156668(["file"]):::uptodate --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate
    xd69ee82cddb4d6bb>"get_data"]:::uptodate --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate
    x9c2a6d6bf64731cc>"fit_model"]:::uptodate --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate
  classDef uptodate stroke:#000000,color:#ffffff,fill:#354823;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;
  linkStyle 0 stroke-width:0px;
  linkStyle 1 stroke-width:0px;

Change a function

# R/functions.R:
get_data <- function(file) {
  read_csv(file, col_types = cols()) %>%

fit_model <- function(data) {
  lm(Ozone ~ Temp, data) %>%

plot_model <- function(model, data) {
  ggplot(data) +
    geom_point(aes(x = Temp, y = Ozone)) +
    geom_abline(intercept = model[1], slope = model[2]) +
    theme_gray(24) +
    ggtitle("Ozone vs Temp")

Refresh the pipeline.

#> [1] "plot"

#> ✔ skip target file
#> ✔ skip target data
#> ✔ skip target model
#> ✔ skip target summary
#> • start target plot
#> • built target plot
#> • end pipeline: 0.501 seconds


graph LR
  subgraph legend
    x7420bd9270f8d27d([""Up to date""]):::uptodate --- x0a52b03877696646([""Outdated""]):::outdated
    x0a52b03877696646([""Outdated""]):::outdated --- xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none
    xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none --- xf0bce276fe2b9d3e>""Function""]:::none
  subgraph Graph
    xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate --> xe345e05e168a80f1(["summary"]):::uptodate
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::outdated
    xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::outdated
    x619ade380bedf7c2>"plot_model"]:::outdated --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::outdated
    x6d51284275156668(["file"]):::uptodate --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate
    xd69ee82cddb4d6bb>"get_data"]:::uptodate --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate
    x9c2a6d6bf64731cc>"fit_model"]:::uptodate --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate
  classDef uptodate stroke:#000000,color:#ffffff,fill:#354823;
  classDef outdated stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#78B7C5;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;
  linkStyle 0 stroke-width:0px;
  linkStyle 1 stroke-width:0px;
  linkStyle 2 stroke-width:0px;

Parallel computing (1/2)

  1. Call use_targets() to automatically configure targets for your system.
    • Writes _targets.R, clustermq.tmpl, and future.tmpl for a cluster if you have one (Slurm, SGE, PBS, TORQUE, or LSF).
    • Otherwise, use_targets() configures _targets.R to use local multi-process computing.
  2. Performance: tar_option_set() and other choices:
    • memory: "transient" or "persistent"
    • storage: "main" or "worker"
    • retrieval: "main" or "worker"
    • deployment: "main" or "worker"
    • Choose a branching/batching for optimal scale if needed.
    • Choose a folder for the project and data store where the file system is fast.

Parallel computing (2/2)

  1. Run the pipeline for a desired n maximum workers:
    • tar_make_clustermq(workers = n) for persistent workers.
    • tar_make_future(workers = n) for transient workers.
  2. Trust the package to orchestrate the targets.
    • model1 and model2 run in parallel after data finishes.
    • summary1 runs after model1 is done.
    • summary2 runs after model2 is done.
    • summary1 and summary2 can run in parallel.
    • results waits for both summary1 and summary2.

graph LR
  subgraph Graph
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated --> xd2415809dfccb1c9(["model1"]):::outdated
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated --> x5e90f77e4394a7c0(["model2"]):::outdated
    xe7486797ee90ffad(["summary1"]):::outdated --> x26a6b9ffae1b7593(["results"]):::outdated
    x7af94b1ab69cf0e7(["summary2"]):::outdated --> x26a6b9ffae1b7593(["results"]):::outdated
    xd2415809dfccb1c9(["model1"]):::outdated --> xe7486797ee90ffad(["summary1"]):::outdated
    x5e90f77e4394a7c0(["model2"]):::outdated --> x7af94b1ab69cf0e7(["summary2"]):::outdated
  classDef outdated stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#78B7C5;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;

Literate programming

  • tar_quarto() or tar_render() from the tarchetypes package.
  • Render a Quarto document/project or R Markdown document as a target in the pipeline.
  • Documents rely on upstream targets through tar_read() and tar_load().
    • tar_quarto() and tar_render() register upstream targets as dependencies.
    • The documents themselves should run quickly and do little to no original computation.
  • Multiple ways to render the report:
    1. Option 1: develop it interactively (RStudio IDE, rmarkdown::render(), quarto::quarto_render().
    2. Option 2: run the pipeline (e.g. tar_make()) to get reproducible HTML output.

Example report.qmd

title: "Results"
format: html


In a pipeline

# _targets.R file, written by use_targets() and then modified:
tar_option_set(packages = c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "readr"))
options(clustermq.scheduler = "multicore")
  tar_target(name = file, command = "data.csv", format = "file"),
  tar_target(name = data, command = get_data(file)),
  tar_target(name = model, command = fit_model(data)),
  tar_target(name = plot, command = plot_model(model, data)),
  tarchetypes::tar_quarto(name = report, path = "report.qmd")
#> ✔ skip target file
#> ✔ skip target data
#> ✔ skip target model
#> ✔ skip target plot
#> • start target report
#> • built target report
#> • end pipeline: 5.758 seconds

graph LR
  subgraph legend
    x7420bd9270f8d27d([""Up to date""]):::uptodate --- x0a52b03877696646([""Outdated""]):::outdated
    x0a52b03877696646([""Outdated""]):::outdated --- xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none
    xbf4603d6c2c2ad6b([""Stem""]):::none --- xf0bce276fe2b9d3e>""Function""]:::none
  subgraph Graph
    xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate --> xe0fba61fbc506510(["report"]):::outdated
    xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::uptodate --> xe0fba61fbc506510(["report"]):::outdated
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::uptodate
    xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::uptodate
    x619ade380bedf7c2>"plot_model"]:::uptodate --> xaf95534ce5e3f59e(["plot"]):::uptodate
    x6d51284275156668(["file"]):::uptodate --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate
    xd69ee82cddb4d6bb>"get_data"]:::uptodate --> xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::uptodate --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate
    x9c2a6d6bf64731cc>"fit_model"]:::uptodate --> xe1eeca7af8e0b529(["model"]):::uptodate
  classDef uptodate stroke:#000000,color:#ffffff,fill:#354823;
  classDef outdated stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#78B7C5;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;
  linkStyle 0 stroke-width:0px;
  linkStyle 1 stroke-width:0px;
  linkStyle 2 stroke-width:0px;

Reproducible HTML report

Static branching

# _targets.R file, written by use_targets() and then modified:
options(clustermq.scheduler = "multicore")
  tar_target(name = file, command = "data.csv", format = "file"),
  tar_target(name = data, command = get_data(file)),
    tar_target(name = analysis, command = method(data, tag)),
    values = tibble::tibble(
      method = rlang::syms(c("run_keras", "run_xgboost")),
      tag = c("tag1", "tag2")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   name                  command                  
#>   <chr>                 <chr>                    
#> 1 data                  "get_data()"             
#> 2 analysis_xgboost_tag2 "run_xgboost(data, \"tag2\")"
#> 3 analysis_keras_tag1   "run_keras(data, \"tag1\")"

graph LR
  subgraph Graph
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated --> xc74e60078fdc9490(["analysis_xgboost_tag2"]):::outdated
    xb7119b48552d1da3(["data"]):::outdated --> x142d7a4d7e9c35b0(["analysis_keras_tag1"]):::outdated
  classDef outdated stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#78B7C5;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;

  • See also tar_combine() from tarchetypes.

Dynamic branching

  • Can branch over vector elements, list elements, or rows of a data frame.
  • Can be combined with static branching (e.g. tar_map_rep()).
  • See tar_group_count() and friends for dynamic branching over dplyr row groups.
# _targets.R file:
  tar_target(name = index, command = c(1, 2)),
    name = result, 
    command = index + 7,
    pattern = map(index)

graph LR
  subgraph Graph
    x04e94ee208381956(["index"]):::uptodate --> x40ad95db433ebf41["result"]:::uptodate
  classDef uptodate stroke:#000000,color:#ffffff,fill:#354823;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;

#> • start target index
#> • built target index
#> • start branch result_d15ad156
#> • built branch result_d15ad156
#> • start branch result_591d8774
#> • built branch result_591d8774
#> • built pattern result
#> • end pipeline: 0.108 seconds

tar_read(result, branches = 2)
#> result_591d8774 
#>               9 

Extending targets

Target factories

#' @title Example target factory in an R package.
#' @export
#' @description A target factory to analyze data.
#' @return A list of 3 target objects to:
#'   1. Track the file for changes,
#'   2. Read the data in the file, and
#'   3. Analyze the data.
#' @param File Character of length 1, path to the file.
target_factory <- function(file) {
    tar_target_raw("file", file, format = "file", deployment = "main"),
    tar_target_raw("data", quote(read_data(file)), format = "fst_tbl", deployment = "main"),
    tar_target_raw("model", quote(run_model(data)), format = "qs")

Target factories simplify pipelines.

# _targets.R

# R console
#> # A tibble: 3 x 2
#>   name  command          
#>   <chr> <chr>            
#> 1 file  "\"data.csv\""   
#> 2 data  "read_data(file)"           
#> 3 model "run_model(data)"

Example: stantargets

  • Easy pipeline construction for Stan statistical models.
  • Uses R packages cmdstanr and posterior.

About Stan

  • Probabilistic programming language:
  • Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) with HMC and NUTS.
    • Often more efficient than Gibbs sampling.
    • Flexible specification of posterior distributions.
    • Indifferent to conjugacy.
  • Variational inference (ADVI)
  • Penalized MLE (L-BFGS)

Target factories for Stan

Algorithm Single-rep multi-output Multi-rep single-output
MCMC tar_stan_mcmc() tar_stan_mcmc_rep_draws() tar_stan_mcmc_rep_diagnostics() tar_stan_mcmc_rep_summary()
Gen. Qty. tar_stan_gq() tar_stan_gq_rep_draws() tar_stan_gq_rep_summary()
Variational tar_stan_vb() tar_stan_vb_rep_draws() tar_stan_vb_rep_summary()
MLE tar_stan_mle() tar_stan_mle_rep_draws() tar_stan_mle_rep_summary()
Compilation tar_stan_compile()
Summaries tar_stan_summary()


  • Run the model once.
  • Create targets for MCMC draws, summaries, and HMC/NUTS diagnostics.
# _targets.R
# ...
  stantargets::tar_stan_mcmc(name = example, ...)

graph LR
  subgraph Graph
    x4cd7b5c3c125f548(["example_data"]):::outdated --> xecfe54c2d4fb279d(["example_summary_model"]):::outdated
    x6cc8b8be867e1e0d(["example_mcmc_model"]):::outdated --> xecfe54c2d4fb279d(["example_summary_model"]):::outdated
    x6cc8b8be867e1e0d(["example_mcmc_model"]):::outdated --> x54294c764991c41d(["example_diagnostics_model"]):::outdated
    x6cc8b8be867e1e0d(["example_mcmc_model"]):::outdated --> xc4714540b066b032(["example_draws_model"]):::outdated
    x4cd7b5c3c125f548(["example_data"]):::outdated --> x6cc8b8be867e1e0d(["example_mcmc_model"]):::outdated
    x7959ddde0153f85d(["example_model_file"]):::outdated --> x6cc8b8be867e1e0d(["example_mcmc_model"]):::outdated
  classDef outdated stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#78B7C5;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;


  • Run the model multiple times in batches over many randomly-generated datasets.
  • Only return posterior summaries.
# _targets.R
# ...
  stantargets::tar_stan_mcmc_rep_summary(name = example, ...)

graph LR
  subgraph Graph
    x4cd7b5c3c125f548["example_data"]:::outdated --> xbeea21a0642714d5["example_model"]:::outdated
    xbeea21a0642714d5["example_model"]:::outdated --> xe6eda53558c41c5e(["example"]):::outdated
    x7205eb8b5739d5b6(["example_file_model"]):::outdated --> x4cd7b5c3c125f548["example_data"]:::outdated
    xa2d1919ce1427f12(["example_batch"]):::outdated --> x4cd7b5c3c125f548["example_data"]:::outdated
  classDef outdated stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#78B7C5;
  classDef none stroke:#000000,color:#000000,fill:#94a4ac;
