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Run the hierarchical model with MCMC.


  response = "response",
  study = "study",
  study_reference = max(data[[study]]),
  group = "group",
  group_reference = min(data[[group]]),
  patient = "patient",
  covariates = grep("^covariate", colnames(data), value = TRUE),
  s_delta = 30,
  s_beta = 30,
  s_sigma = 30,
  s_mu = 30,
  s_tau = sd(data[[response]], na.rm = TRUE),
  d_tau = 1,
  prior_tau = "half_t",
  n_chains = 4,
  n_adapt = 2000,
  n_warmup = 4000,
  n_iterations = 20000,
  quiet = TRUE



Tidy data frame with one row per patient, indicator columns for the response variable, study, group, and patient, and covariates. All columns must be atomic vectors (e.g. not lists). The data for the mixture and simple models should have just one study, and the others should have data from more than one study. The simple model can be used to get the historical data components of m_omega and s_omega for the mixture model.


Character of length 1, name of the column in data with the response/outcome variable. data[[response]] must be a continuous variable, and it should be the change from baseline of a clinical endpoint of interest, as opposed to just the raw response. Treatment differences are computed directly from this scale, please supply change from baseline unless you are absolutely certain that treatment differences computed directly from this quantity are clinically meaningful.


Character of length 1, name of the column in data with the study ID.


Atomic of length 1, element of the study column that indicates the current study. (The other studies are historical studies.)


Character of length 1, name of the column in data with the group ID.


Atomic of length 1, element of the group column that indicates the control group. (The other groups may be treatment groups.)


Character of length 1, name of the column in data with the patient ID.


Character vector of column names in data with the columns with baseline covariates. These can be continuous, categorical, or binary. Regardless, historicalborrow derives the appropriate model matrix.


Numeric of length 1, prior standard deviation of the study-by-group effect parameters delta.


Numeric of length 1, prior standard deviation of the fixed effects beta.


Numeric of length 1, prior upper bound of the residual standard deviations.


Numeric of length 1, prior standard deviation of mu.


Non-negative numeric of length 1. If prior_tau is "half_t", then s_tau is the scale parameter of the Student t prior of tau and analogous to the sigma parameter of the Student-t parameterization given at # nolint If prior_tau is "uniform", then s_tau is the upper bound of tau. Upper bound on tau if prior_tau is "uniform".

In the case of prior_tau equal to "half_t", the defaults s_tau = sd(data[[response]], na.rm = TRUE) and d_tau = 1 specify a weakly informative scaled half-Cauchy distribution. This choice is only provisional. The prior on tau is extremely important, especially for small numbers of historical studies, and the user should set a reasonable value for the use case, ideally informed by the results of sensitivity analyses and simulations.


Positive numeric of length 1. Degrees of freedom of the Student t prior of tau if prior_tau is "half_t".

In the case of prior_tau equal to "half_t", the defaults s_tau = sd(data[[response]], na.rm = TRUE) and d_tau = 1 specify a weakly informative scaled half-Cauchy distribution. This choice is only provisional. The prior on tau is extremely important, especially for small numbers of historical studies, and the user should set a reasonable value for the use case, ideally informed by the results of sensitivity analyses and simulations.


Character string, family of the prior of tau. If prior_tau equals "uniform", then the prior on tau is a uniform prior with lower bound 0 and upper bound s_tau. If prior_tau equals "half_t", then the prior on tau is a half Student-t prior with center 0, lower bound 0, scale parameter s_tau, and degrees of freedom d_tau. The scale parameter s_tau is analogous to the sigma parameter of the Student-t parameterization given at # nolint


Number of MCMC chains to run.


Number of adaptation iterations to run.


Number of warmup iterations per chain to run.


Number of saved MCMC iterations per chain to run.


Logical of length 1, TRUE to suppress R console output.


A tidy data frame of parameter samples from the posterior distribution. Columns .chain, .iteration, and .draw have the meanings documented in the posterior package.


if (!identical(Sys.getenv("HB_TEST", unset = ""), "")) {
data <- hb_sim_hierarchical(n_continuous = 2)$data
  n_chains = 1,
  n_adapt = 100,
  n_warmup = 50,
  n_iterations = 50